Celebrating Father’s Day

It’s been 33 years since I lost my own father and 42 years since my father-in-law passed away. When you have no father to honor and celebrate, Father’s Day feels a little different. I can reflect on what they each meant to me in the time they were physically present – lessons learned, love felt, examples lived out. And I am thankful.

But today it also means being especially thankful for Pete, my children’s father and my partner of almost 49 years. I am thankful for the way he faithfully and lovingly cared and provided for our children physically and spiritually over the years. And I am still in love with him.

It means being thankful for Peter, Tim, and Markus, the wonderful fathers of our seven grandchildren. I am thankful for the many ways they provide and care for their precious families. I am thankful for their examples and their strong work ethic and character. And I am so proud of them.

But Father’s Day is also a day to reflect on the awesome thought that we get to call God ‘our Father.’ He is the perfect father who promises never to leave, fail, or forsake us. He is the father who provides, protects, loves, and cares for us. He hears and sees and knows us in ways even the most amazing earthly fathers cannot. He is deserving of our worship and honor every day.

This Father’s Day as we remember and honor our earthly fathers (those present as well as those who are absent) let’s remember to run to our Heavenly Father in praise and adoration. His arms are open wide.

Happy Father’s Day!
