SPRING – Death to Life, Darkness to Light

Spring elicits thoughts of warmer weather, longer days, budding trees, early blooms, returning birds, pleasant walks, sunny days, preparing garden soil – all signs of life returning again after the cold, dark days of winter. I’m ready for it, aren’t you?

It is fitting that we celebrate Easter in the Spring. Easter – bringing LIFE into a world dead by the effects of sin, and LIGHT into a world darkened by evil and corruption, selfishness, hatred, and strife.

The Easter season has both – Death and Life.

DEATH – because to satisfy the righteous holiness of God, sin had to be punished and someone had to die… And die, He did. Jesus, the sinless one, paid the price for us so that we could be forgiven.

LIFE – because He did not stay dead. This is the beauty of Easter. Christ arose from that dark tomb to live forever and guarantee that we also could have life! What a wonderful Savior!

The story never gets old, and it never ends. LIFE – eternally and forever is available for those who put their trust and faith in the LIVING Lord Jesus, whom we celebrate and worship.

Think of that as you see signs of Spring bursting forth around you. Think of HIM and what He did so that you could have life!

“I have come that they might have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (Jesus, John 10:10b).

Share your hope in Christ with friends and family this Easter season.

