Multiplicity of Thoughts

Do you ever have times when there are so many thoughts and questions swirling around in your head, that you don’t quite know what to do next? Maybe it’s a heavy workload, or things that need doing around the house, or projects you wish you had time for, or people making demands on your time … ?

If so, dear sister, you are not alone! We take on a multitude of endeavors. Some are thrust upon us, some we pick up ourselves, and some … well, some are just too good to pass up! But all of them, yes ALL of them, take energy and add stress (some good, some bad) into our daily lives.

I came across this cool Bible verse the other day and it hit me in a way that it never had before. Oh, I had read it multiple times, had taught it, even! But this time, this day, when I read it, it hit me square between the eyes.

“In the multitude of my thoughts within me Thy comforts delight my soul.” Psalm 94:19

Yes! I had a multitude of thoughts within me … thoughts that went off in many directions. I needed the comfort of God to get me through. I needed to delight in Him, His promises, His presence, His peace. Instead of allowing the question of what to do, paralyze me from accomplishing anything, I needed to ask Him and then let Him guide my path.

Seeking Him is the answer to the question of what and when. He is near, and He hears when His children call out to Him.

“Seek the Lord while He may be found; call upon Him while He is near.” Isaiah 55:6 (NASB)

Cry out to Him. Let’s ask Him to direct our thoughts, our steps, our plans, our words, our projects. Let’s delight in Him today and every day.

