But I Already Made Plans!

The reading below is from the book, Christmas, What’s It All About? You can connect with it on my book page.

Before the Angel Gabriel shattered the night with the words that changed everything, Mary had already made plans. She’d marry her dream man and raise children in the little cottage next to the carpenter shop where Joseph would ply his craft. The arrangements had already been made, dowry had been paid, the betrothal ceremony had taken place and when the proper waiting period ended, the marriage would be consummated. But that was before the first “Hail Mary.”

When Mary saw the angel and heard his unusual greeting, she was troubled. “You are highly favored…blessed among women.” A startling visitation out of the blue by the Angel Gabriel brought words beyond imagining!

She was troubled. He tells her to “Fear not,” then quickly gives her the rest of the message. “You are going to bear the child of God. His name will be Jesus. He will be great, and He will have a never-ending kingdom.”

It was an amazing announcement, but Mary had a question. She was engaged to be married but she and Joseph had not come together, so how could she have a child? The question had been anticipated and the answer came quickly. “The Spirit of God will come on you and the power of God Himself will come over you. The child will be God’s Son. Nothing is impossible with God.”

And Mary’s response was, “I am the Lord’s servant. Let it be just as you said.” Then she put aside her own plans and went on a journey to visit a kindred spirit, Cousin Elisabeth, also pregnant in a miraculous way. They shared three wonderful months together, and Mary wrote a song.

Mary discarded her plans, risking her future marriage, her reputation, and facing ostracization by the townspeople. Everything she and Joseph had planned changed so she could be used of God in this special way. God had a higher plan for her – a plan bigger than her wildest imaginings. She had two choices, reluctance or willing submission. And she would forever be remembered as the one God chose to be the mother of His Son.

When God asks us to give up our plans so He can work out His higher plan in our lives, we have those same two choices. And He tells us the same two words, “Fear not.”

A prayer to pray:

Dear Father God,

Make me willing to submit to the path you choose for me. Help me to cheerfully lay aside my plans so that I can walk your way. Show me each day what you want me to do. And give me the courage to do it.

In Jesus’ name,


You can read the account of Mary and the Angel in Luke 1:26-56 in your Bible.
